We Are Alive


Your Online Mortgage Provider

about the project

Securing a mortgage is a significant undertaking, and Huspy, an online mortgage provider, sought our expertise to create an explainer video. The goal was to help their clients navigate the complexities of the mortgage process and make their business model more accessible to a diverse audience.

Our animated video efficiently addresses the mortgage challenge and positions Huspy as the ideal solution, presented through the eyes of a friendly homeowner using a quirky illustration style. We even had time for our hero to try a spot of parachuting. He may have ended up with less-than-perfect wallpaper, but still finds joy in his new home!

Bringing The Character To Life

A well-designed character can make a brand truly memorable. Character animation goes beyond just cute mascots; it’s a powerful storytelling tool that forges emotional connections. Brands that effectively use character animation can engage their audience more deeply, making their message both relatable and memorable.

For our project, we chose to design our hero with a bit of goofiness to convey his lack of experience but thanks to Huspy, he always finds his way.

This playful concept carried through to the animation phase, where we infused his movements with a sense of innocence and charm.

The Results

As Huspy’s first-ever video, we were thrilled to be part of their brand launch. The video, released on their website and social media channels, has played a role in helping thousands of satisfied customers secure mortgages. We’re proud to have contributed to Huspy’s journey and excited to see them continue to grow and succeed.